month 4-6: gaining t1d life experience

We are always trying to remain positive in this forever situation, but sometimes it’s just downright frustrating. There is always more we can do. There is always more we can learn. Burnout of this disease is just around the corner if we don’t watch it;  And it’s true, it is.

Yes, we always want more education intellectually, but what we really want is to gain experience. It could make life just a tad bit easier, but ultimately, we want to take care of our kid and we don’t want to cut corners to do it. There is just so much to know.

My guess is you likely have the head knowledge of carb count, advocacy, different groups to be a part of, and a decent rhythm and routine with your little; however, you want the practical tips and real-life problem solving solutions that are applicable and you're smart enough to know that you haven’t lived that out yet. You’d love advice or input in your unique situations.  Questions like what A1C is good after diagnosis? How to pre-bolus for a certain food? What if my kid regresses or is being stubborn? What are other snack ideas (jerky, pickles, and cheese sticks aren’t doing the trick anymore.)? You need pro tips. You need to process with other people who have gone before you.

Month 4-6 Goal: Gaining T1D Life Experience

month 4-6 or the following days, you will need to:

  1. Expand your community: Look into more specific helpful relevant resources and groups: Diapers & Diabetes, “Your State” T1D group, Juicebox Podcast

  2. Create and Train your “Village” of caregivers

  3. Check in emotionally with you and other family members- do you need counseling to process where you’re at?

  4. If you have Dexcom: Look at trends and patterns of your T1D kiddo

  5. Organize/Create a space in your home for T1D supplies, inventory, and your go-to snacks

  6. Update your inventory list to be more accurate now that you know what you need 

  7. Update your budget now that you have a more clear view of how often you need supplies. Figure out how you will meet your needs.

  8. Check on inventory and order supplies you might need 

  9. Solidify a Wellness Plan (504 Plan  if child is in public school)

  10. Have other caregiver plans prepared (i.e babysitter, coach, grandparent, etc.)

  11. Start saving old supplies to train caregivers (Dexcom, old insulin, etc)

  12. Create a wish list- product to consider 

  13. Look into Trial Net HERE for you and your immediate family

month 4-6 Resources

Insulin Cooler Travel Case


Type 1 Diabetic Tags