year 1: creating foundations and living it out
PHEW! You made it to one year. A lot has happened since the diagnosis. You’ve had lots of valleys but mountains too. Our babies are so strong, resilient, and courageous… aren’t they!? They empower us. They have been through so much, but, you too, have been through a lot. Take the time to acknowledge that hard work.
Looking to our forever future, we cling to the HOPE that this trauma and obstacle will not define your child’s life or yours. We know there is HOPE.
HOPE in the fact that our babies can live a normal life in their 90s with good management of diabetes.
HOPE in the fact that we can take some of those arrows to pave the way for our babies.
HOPE that there is future that is bright for our babies.
HOPE in knowing we are not alone.
Our goal moving for the years to come is to establish mentally what kind of life perspective you want your child to have. We have a lot of power at a young age to guide them in this perspective. Basically, we have the power to make or break their minds and hearts around this.
Our goal is to establish a foundation and live it out. Examples might include, “I will dedicate time to teach my child how to have a healthy relationship with food.” OR “T1D will not be a determining factor when it comes to extracurriculars.” These “foundational lines” helps GUIDE and TEACH your child HOW to think and perceive T1D in their life.
Questions to Conisider:
What do you want them to know?
What lifestyle skills and tools do you feel they need to be equipped with?
How do you want them to approach this disease?
What is necessary for them to know to execute on these perspectives?
Whatever your parenting style and perspective might be, write it down and live it out. Keep in mind, the majority of behaviors in your child are CAUGHT not always taught
Year 1 Goal: Create Your Foundations and Live it Out
year 1 or the following days, you will need to:
Expand your community- they should be adding value
Look into counseling if needed
Get involved in local events: JDRF events or local events
Continue to be educated with resources, books, podcasts
Advocate and create awareness for T1D month of November (blue)
Know how to communicate your child’s cares and needs to others
year 1 Resources
Insulin Cooler Travel Case
T1D Medical Alert Strap
Buzzy Vibrating Ice Pack
Type 1 Diabetic Tags